She had been strangled with a piece of towel stuffed down her throat and although there was a large roll of $2 bills and thousands of dollars worth of sterling silver lying in an open trunk, Bauerdorf's jewelry and other valuables were not stolen.
His murder, along with other Hollywood scandals such as the Roscoe Arbuckle trial, led to a frenzy of sensationalistic and often fabricated newspaper reports. Killed by a shot in the back on 1 February 1922 inside his bungalow. William Desmond Taylor, popular American actor and director of silent movies from Los Angeles, United States.Moore, his wife, four children and two guests were killed by an unknown axe-murderer in Villisca, Iowa on June 10, 1912. His murder sparked one of the largest murder investigations in the North East. Joseph Wilson, the sixty year old stationmaster, shot dead at Lintz Green railway station, in the North East of England, on 7 October 1911.The case has been investigated in BBC One's Julian Fellowes Investigates. At the time it was alleged that the murderer was a preacher of the Primitive Methodist Chapel named William Gardiner who was having an affair with the victim. Rose Harsent, a 6 month pregnant maid who was stabbed to death on 1 June 1902 in Suffolk, England by an unknown assailant.Goebel remains the only state governor in the United States to be assassinated while in office. The next day the dying Goebel was sworn in and despite 18 physicians attending him, died the afternoon of 3 February 1900. William Goebel, American politician who was shot and mortally wounded on the morning of 30 January 1900 by an unknown assailant in Frankfort, Kentucky one day before being sworn in as Governor of Kentucky.Lizzie was later charged and arrested for the murders as she and a maid were the only ones in the house at the time of the killings, but was acquitted by a jury and the case remains unsolved. Andrew Jackson Borden and Abby Durfee Borden, father and stepmother of Lizzie Borden, both killed in their family house in Fall River, Massachusetts on the morning of 4 August 1892, by blows from a hatchet, which in the case of Andrew Borden, not only crushed his skull but cleanly split his left eyeball.After his death he was declared the winner of the election but his assassin was never found. Clayton, American politician, shot and killed instantly by an unknown assailant on the evening of 29 January 1889 in Plumerville, Arkansas after starting an investigation into the possible fraud of an election he took part in. Hindman, American politician assassinated by one or more unknown assailants on 27 September 1868, who fired through his parlor window while he was reading his newspaper with his children in Helena, Arkansas, United States. Benjamin Bathurst, a British diplomatic envoy who disappeared on or around 25 November 1809 in the town of Perleberg, Germany, and who was likely murdered.pasadena (91107) was found brutally ripped open in the basement of the asylum where the prisoners were kept (August 16, 1779) in East Pasadena, California located across from an empty lot on Madre St. (For serial killer cases which span multiple years, the entries are listed under the year the first murder took place.) Unsolved murders 1779-1899

People are listed chronologically by year. This list of unsolved murders and deaths covers notable cases where people have been murdered or have died under unsolved circumstances, including murders committed by unknown serial killers.